Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10 Rituals of Radiant Living

Happy Spring time!
This is always my favourite time of year...the feeling that summer is around the corner and that there is a full season of sunshine to look forward to.

At this time of year I start to feel super-alive again and ready for new beginnings. It is also a wonderful time to reflect and Spring clean my life.

My special way of ‘Spring cleaning’ my own life is to follow my 10 Rituals of Radiant Living.

I was inspired by Robin S. Sharma’s book – ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’.
In this wonderful story the main character says “Once you get yourself together, your world will be ok. Once you master your mind, body and character, happiness and abundance will flow into your life almost magically. But you must spend some time daily working on yourself... by incorporating the techniques into your routine such that they become habits; you are bound to reach a state of perfect health, limitless energy, lasting happiness and peace of mind.”

The 10 rituals of Radiant living that I follow are:

Ritual of early awakening
Rise with the sun! It is so much easier now that Cape Town weather is changing and that it is getting lighter so much earlier. By waking up early and getting enough sleep I start my day well. It is important to have good quality sleep and feel refreshed and alive as soon as I open my eyes.

Ritual of solitude
Explore the healing power of silence in a peaceful environment. This is my meditation time and my time to connect with myself, and create inner harmony. I love doing this in nature if I can.

Ritual of physicality
Taking time everyday to nourish the temple of my body through exercise is extremely important for me. I choose Yoga… any style of Yoga. I love Yoga! I also love being in nature so any exercise I can do outdoors I enjoy – walking, hiking, learning to surf, cycling…as long as I am outside.

Ritual of proper breathing
Breathing is something that is supposed to come naturally but it is amazing how deep, full breathing is something that I have to focus on constantly. I enjoy doing my ritual of ‘proper’ breathing when I am doing my Yoga sessions. The classes I do often include Pranayama (breathing techniques) which clear my mind and bring me back to balance and calmness.

Ritual of live nourishment
Eat live foods. Not food that is ‘alive’ but food that is rich in nutrients and vital energy. Food that is as natural as possible and that has had the natural interaction of sun, air, soil and water. Being a vegetarian is important to me not only from an animal side of things and because it is the best thing for the environment but mainly because it is healthy for me.

Ritual of abundant knowledge
Reading and learning something inspiring everyday is a great pick-me-up. I don’t read just anything. I choose to stay away from newspapers, TV and media. I fill my mind with knowledge that will improve the quality of my life. Books are a wonderful way to keep me in a beautiful space and learn more about who I am and the world around me.

Ritual of living my life purpose with passion
Listening to my heart and acting from that space of integrity, love and compassion in all that I do is what brings me inner peace and harmony. I love what I do. I live my life purpose and I am passionate about my work…even if it was not my job I would still be radiating enthusiasm.

Ritual of simplicity & 'being'
Aiming to make my life as simple as possible… taking out all of life’s complications, not wasting my time or somebody else’s and spending my time ‘being’ and experiencing, rather than doing.

Ritual of time out & having some fun
Taking some time out of the day for myself – having a bath by candle light, going off for a massage, or even going on a shopping spree. Just spending some quality time with me and taking time out from the world. Also not being so hard on myself and taking life so seriously is very important to remember. Having fun and being passionate about life is an important part of keeping radiant.

Ritual of personal reflection & gratitude
At the end of the day it is wonderful to reflect on my day. Stopping and acknowledging the moments when somebody paid me a compliment, gave me a gift or pearls of their wisdom. Reflecting on my thoughts during the day and noticing if they were mainly positive?
The only way to improve tomorrow is to reflect and be grateful for today.
It is a lovely feeling drifting off to sleep and going through the list of why I feel grateful.

So these are my 10 Rituals for Radiant living.
If you would like to live a radiant life why don’t you do a bit of a 'Spring clean' and come up with 10 rituals for yourself to implement into your day.
You never know, you may inspire yourself and the world around you.

“I trust the process of life.
There is a rhythm and flow to Life, and I am part of it.
Life supports me and brings to me only good and positive experiences.
I trust the process of Life to bring me my highest good.”
Louise L. Hay

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