Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Caffeine free

Hi, my name is Brazen and Im a recovering caffeine addict (among other things) *grins*

I’m currently on a major mission to free myself of my caffeine addiction. So far I have managed a full month of being caffeine-free. I won’t lie to you, it has not been easy…..

The cons (for me)
*For the first week after I stopped having my usual daily coffees I experienced the worst headaches I’ve ever had.
*I have always been the type of person who truly believes that coke goes well with most types of meals (especially burgers and chips) – Finding caffeine free alternatives to drink was a bit annoying at first.
*Checking labels to see what drinks have caffeine in can be a pain.
*I miss the caffeine energy boost I used to get and vanilla lattes

The pros (for me) –
*I have been sleeping better since I quit.
*I also find that I really don’t miss the low effects of a caffeine “come down”. I personally found that caffeine didn’t have the best effects on my mood.
*When I “overdosed” on caffeine I found it hard to concentrate and even felt a bit shaky at times.

My goal is to give up all caffeine for a few months and then very occasionally allow myself normal tea or a cup of coffee in the future – but for now I’m learning to enjoy herbal teas, water and all things caffeine free.

People may choose to quit or not quit caffeine for different reasons; here are the 3 main reasons why I decided to quit:

1. Caffeine Sensitivity:
I seem to be sensitive to caffeine and show a number of reactions to caffeine such as jitters and sleeplessness.
2. Health Reasons: I seem to experience headaches and increased levels of stress resulted from caffeine consumption.
3. Ageing: There are some studies which show that caffeine consumption may speed up the ageing process – So, just in case those studies are true I thought I better cut down ;)


  1. Eeek! Aging?! Okay, I'm done. No more for me!

  2. Quitting caffeine is not easy - it's also hidden in a lot of other drinks, as you say. But well done, I'm proud of you!!!!

  3. OH no!!!!! I cant I cant I cant. Please dont make me!???

  4. Great Advice! thanx!

  5. Brazen, I wondered where you had gone.

    Well, wellness is always a good thing. I only drink 3 cups of coffee a day, and they have to be consumed before lunch time. Otherwise, I drink no coffee after lunch, ever. Except the odd cuppa tea...seems to work for me. As for the ageing thing...hmmm.

    Problem is I love coffee, put I try keep it limitted.

  6. Good work Brazen! :) I know...its VERY difficult to stop that coffee thirst!
    And Vanilla or Hazelnut lattes are so missable!

